
El fraude detrás de las ofertas de trabajo vía WhatsApp

  Últimamente muchas personas hemos recibido mensajes vía WhatsApp de números desconocidos, los cuales ofrecen trabajo en una plataforma en línea con proyectos para grandes empresas como Amazon, AliExpress, Mercado Libre, entre otros, ofreciendo un sueldo entre $500 y $2,000 pesos mexicanos diarios. Para iniciar con el proceso es necesario dar clic al enlace que […]

An Interesting Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability on ""

Hello Everyone, I’m Seif Elsallamy an Application Penetration Tester at @Seekurity Today I will introduce to you beautiful readers a bug that we discovered in Twitter social network, We are going to go a bit deeper. This vulnerability was discovered back in 2018 and we decided to publish it as we were restricted to sharing […]

Edge browser press and hold up-arrow for a second all your emails disclosed

Hello Everyone, I’m Seif Elsallamy an Application Penetration Tester at @Seekurity First of all, this is a very old blog post (the issue was originally discovered back in 2017) but we thought it might be useful to publish it hope it helps someone else in their research. If you’re an Edge user you should be […]

La pandemia de la inseguridad en las aplicaciones COVID19 de México  

Introducción Las aplicaciones de diagnóstico del COVID19 desarrolladas por gobiernos y entidades privadas, han permitido mantener un monitoreo sobre las infecciones de COVID19 de individuos potencialmente portadores. Sin embargo, muchas de estas aplicaciones de distintos países fueron desarrolladas en tiempo récord, pero no consideraron dentro de su ciclo de desarrollo pruebas seguridad que permitan identificar […]

Security Vulnerabilities affects Online Services of Egyptian Telecommunications Company "Etisalat Misr"

IntroductionTelecommunications companies nowadays became huge enough to have millions of subscribers under its hood, those companies are doing their best to digitalize and revolutionize their online services to serve the needs of the mass subscribers, In a result of this digitalization process, many security weakness may appear which could affect the safety of customers data […]

‫إزاى تحمي نفسك إفتراضياً ومادياً‬

‫إزاى تحمي نفسك إفتراضياً ومادياً‬   ‫دى عبارة عن نصائح موجودة فى صورة تصنيفات احنا بننصح بيها فى Seekurity، هتقدر بالنصائح دى تحمى نفسك وخصوصيتك سواء لو كنت بتستخدم كمبيوتر او موبايل وانت اونلاين، النصائح دى لا تنطبق على الناس المخترقة بالفعل لان دا بالنسبالهم هتبقى سيناريوهات ملهاش لازمه، والسؤال الفلسفى اللى هوا اعرف انا […]

Video and Audio Eavesdropping in the era of Web Applications!

Web Applications nowadays are capable of making online video and audio chatting and sometimes without even the need of external *plugins* or *extensions* Hooray! From usability perspective this is something so cool and very helpful but we are not here for usability, Usability is always cool but when it comes to security concerns, the whole […]

Los sitios olvidados y hackeados del Gobierno Mexicano

Los gobiernos en México, tanto municipales, estatales o federales, tienen poco o nulo interés por la seguridad informática. Tras un trabajo de investigación, encontramos más de dieciséis sitios gubernamentales, vulnerados y que permanecen en el abandono o que sus administradores no se han dado cuenta que alguien los ha hackeado. Anteriormente Seekurity notificó a instancias […]

Twitter Denial of Service bug or How i could prevent all followers from reading or accessing literally ANY tweets!

 Hi Everyone, It’s Seif Elsallamy here, I have been away for a while, I really miss doing the stuff i’m good at, Yes breaking things, here take a look at my old posts. I’m back again to all of you with a cool denial of service bug I’ve discovered in Twitter but before diving in […]

Business Logic Vulnerabilities Series: Hot Fixes Getting Cold, A journey of 7 Versions/Years of a sole Facebook vulnerability!

Hi Folks, This is the third part of A brief on Abusing Invitation Systems blog post, In case you have missed the previous parts of this story of write-ups, it is advised to have a sneak peak at the First Second part before you go on with this post. So before we kick off to […]

Physical Security: Apple macOS Mojave screen lock glitch leaking the secrets behind it!

Let’s start with a simple question, what is Physical Security? and why it’s important? Based on’s article: Physical security is the protection of personnel, hardware, software, networks and data from physical actions and events that could cause serious loss or damage to an enterprise, agency or institution. This includes protection from fire, flood, natural […]

Fitbit – APIs and Access Control Failures, a simple API bug allowed to harvest millions of user private activities!

 In this write-up we will show you how Seekurity team was able to harvest all the user’s private/custom activities leaves more than 20 million private custom activities data in danger. First of all, this write-up is not a new one and the discovery itself is dated back to 2017 but we decided to disclose it […]

Google Drive: Bad implemented Logic leads to trivial bypass of any "Large File Download Quota Limits"!

TL;DR Today’s bug is a trivial bypass one which if exploited will give the attacker the ability to download a large file regardless of the quota limits that Google put in place as a mitigation/control for any kind of abuse.

تطبيقات الفدية الخبيثة "رانسوموير" إحصائيات ونقاش ومعلومات وحلول

  “الحقونى، ملفاتى كلها اتشفرت” تقريباً مفيش اى حد مسمعش عن تطبيقات الفدية الخبيثة، واحد من اصل ١٠ اشخاص بيصابوا بيها، ومفيش مره ننزل فيها بوست على فيسبوك غير لما يكون فى على الاقل كومنت من نوع “الحقنى ملفاتى اتشفرت” او “الحقنى ملفاتى كلها اتغير امتدادها ومبقتش تفتح” او “سكرين شوت من سطح المكتب وكل […]

Trick or threat: De la confianza al sexting, la extorsión y el ciberacoso.

El pasado 31 de Noviembre fuimos invitados por la comunidad de Women Who Code Mexico City para dar una charla relacionada a la Seguridad Informática en las oficinas de Linio México. Nuestra charla se enfocó en 3 temas “Sexting, extorsión sexual y el Ciberacoso“, ya que en los últimos años, los casos de extorsión sexual y el ciberacoso por […]

PAYFORT - Multiple Security Issues and Concerns in a PCI/DSS compliant payment processor SDK!

TL;DR A year ago we have been contacted by one of our clients from Middle east regarding looking for/implementing a payment processing solution for their own eCommerce solution and asked us to assist them in order to give them some candidates working in the same field in the middle east but we refused because our […]

تحقيق وتحليل تقنى: جريدة الاهرام النسخة الانجليزية تقوم بإستخدام اجهزة الزوار لتعدين عملات رقمية بتكنيك مختلف وجديد!

موضة جديدة اتبعتها المواقع حديثا وهيا الكسب من خلال تعدين العملات الرقمية بدلا من استخدام اعلانات Google Ads او اى خدمة اعلانات اخرى على امل تحقيق مكسب اسرع، فى التحقيق دا هنتكلم عن جريدة “الاهرام اونلاين” وتعدين العملات الرقمية، واحد من متابعينا بتاريخ ٩ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨ بعتلنا على الصفحة الرسمية ل Seekurity ان موقع “جريدة […]

CryptoJacking by Clickjacking: Bypassing Coinhive OPT-IN feature and trick users into Cryptocurrency mining!

Today’s discovery is not a big deal too, just another Clickjacking in the world, but this time in the newly added “OPT-IN” feature by coinhive and authedmine but first let’s know some terms before we begin. What is Coinhive? Coinhive is a cryptocurrency mining service that relies on a small chunk of javascript code designed […]

Hak5 C2 (Cloud Command and Control) Self-hosted Server ClickJacking Vulnerability

Today’s discovery is not a big deal, just another Clickjacking in the world, this time in Hak5’s C2 (Cloud Command and Control) Server First, let us know what is Hak5’s C2 (Cloud Command and Control) Server? Hak5 C2 is a cloud self-hosted penetration testing platform lets you perform “Pentest from Anywhere” by connecting and using […]

Campaña de extorsión sexual: Su cuenta ([email protected]) fue pirateada

Una campaña de extorsión está tomando por sorpresa a muchas personas y al día de hoy (25-Sept) ha recaudado 0.66982408 Bitcoins (Aproximadamente $4,288.51 dólares) y la cifra seguirá aumentando. URL al Wallet: El mensaje pretende haber sido enviado por un extorsionador que ha “hackeado” su computadora y ha activado la cámara web de la computadora para […]

United Nations (UN) - A tail of leaking thousands of Job Applicants CVs and documents online, Path Disclosure and Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities!

In this blogpost we will clarify how we found A tail of vulnerabilities from leaking thousands of Job Applicants CVs and documents online to Path Disclosure and Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities in one of United Nations WordPress websites but first what is United Nations? The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization tasked to promote international […]

Business Logic Vulnerabilities Series: A Story of a 4-Years-old (and counting) Facebook Security Bug!

Hi Guys, I am Ali Kabeel an Application Security Intern at Seekurity team. This is Second part of A brief on Abusing Invitation Systems blog post . In this blog post I will be mainly focusing on how I was able “by following the tips and tricks in the previous blog post” to bypass Facebook […]

La CNBV expone públicamente información sensible de 1,700 usuarios, documentos e información interna.

Exponer información sensible a internet es un tema delicado, principalmente cuando los motores de búsqueda como Google pueden estar en contra tuya gracias a las malas prácticas o malas configuraciones implementadas en los sistemas. Así como durante Abril del 2016 la lista de 93 millones de votantes mexicanos estaba expuesta públicamente en servidores de Amazon, […]

Asus Control Center - An Information Disclosure and a database connection Clear-Text password leakage Vulnerability

What is Asus Control Center? ASUS Control Center is a whole new centralized IT management software. The software is capable of monitoring and controlling ASUS servers, workstations, and commercial products including notebooks, desktops, All-in-One (AiO) PCs, thin client, and digital signage.

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